Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Theater in Victoria park

No one would probably guess from the pictures below what sort of theater play we saw that day. Absolutely by accident we discovered that in Victoria park, very lovely place close to us, there was a theater. Not the usual one in a building, but rather temporal one in a tent. It was about the time for the play to start so we thought why not. The play was Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" and of cause was all played in old English, which made it unbelievably difficult for me to catch the meaning of many things, but the play itself with all those costumes and sometimes really interesting interpretations made the play really fun.


Diana Zh said...

On first two pictures I see dolls and the last one is with people on it. Was that play some doll theater or it was normal theater? Got confused.

I remember last spring they had doll theater in Bolzano on Talvera park. It was very sweet.:) I see that London has many ways to entertain people. cool.

chivchila said...

yes that was a mixture, there were dolls and people. For all the things that were going on in a dream part animals and other creatures were used. For reality representation there were real people.

But I am also thinking that those costumes should be used for some other plays too, it's just too strange that they would be used only for that play, however I am so sure...