Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lithuanian Christmas Market

Recently in delfi news I found out that there gonna be a Lithuanian Christmas market in London! Of cause I wouldn't miss possibility to see what is that all about. I very much hoped to eat traditional Lithuanian zeppelins, which unfortunately weren't there. Instead I ate Kibinai, some might say that it's not really Lithuanian, however they still were very good. We also bought some Lithuanian bread, salami and kvass which Andrejs first confused with beer :)

In the next few days I am flying to Bolzano. I hope to find some unmelt or even fresh snow in there, which probably isn't very wise of me, but luckily, it's not the only reason I am coming there .


Philipp said...

What the heck is kvass? And it was snowing again here in Bolzano overnight.

chivchila said...

it's such a drink, check wikipedia :)